This past year we lost several of our peach trees to a root fungus commonly known as "Oak Root Fungus". The tree pictured on the right may just look dormant but it is already dead. The normally pinkish living twigs are dark brown and shriveled. Where there should be small fuzzy dormant buds there are only dry dead pieces of once living tissue. I still need to dig up the dead trees and throw them in either the compost or burn pile. None are big enough to be of any use as firewood.
While walking to the place where he would be executed, Jesus was followed by some women loudly wailing about his coming demise. He turned around and told them to cry for themselves instead. He said, "if they do these things when the tree is green, what will happen when it is dry?" If I were to restate what he said in my own words it would go something like this, "What will life be like when God’s presence goes unrecognized not because men are blind but because he is not there to be seen." Tealeese
When Jesus lived God was very present with us but he was not recognized for who he was. The tree was green. What would life be like when God cannot be found because he does not want to be found. The tree is dry. Jesus mentioned that at that time people would want to hide in a cave and ask to be buried alive rather than experience it. I guess I really don't get it. I believe that time has not yet come. God seems very present to me now. I cannot imagine living without that presence. I think maybe I should savor each moment when God's presence is most real to me. Maybe I should slow down my life a bit more and see if there is anything else I am missing.