Jesus sat down with his disciples to celebrate the Passover. He tells his disciples, as The Message paraphrase puts it, “You’ve no idea how much I have looked forward to eating this Passover meal with you before I enter my time of suffering.” So I just have to ask, Jesus, why did you so “look forward” to this time? Jews usually observed the Passover with their families, but where was yours? Jesus, how could you have thought of food at a time like this? You were headed for the toughest moments of your life?
How do I face trouble? I usually avoid people and suffer on my own. What do you do?
Jesus wanted to be with his disciples doing something, not just hanging out. He was celebrating the Passover. Why the Passover. Why not just enjoy a fishing trip or a sight seeing tour of the temple? Jesus saw his own identity in the Passover. He identified so closely with it that he renamed portions of the meal in his own honor! “This is my body”. “This is my blood”. Jesus wanted to be with the Disciples but he wanted to share his life with them as well.
When I am with others what part of myself do I share? Is there anyone in my life that knows my inner longings my sense of purpose? The reason why I am here? Do I know?
Jesus would be arrested in a few hours and events would begin that would crescendo until his physical life ended before sundown the next day. He wanted to be close to his disciples and he wanted to share more of himself with them. He really looked forward to it. He wanted to spend the time. He wanted to share his life. We should probably imitate his example more.
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